Pattern Library

PLEASE NOTE – An updated version of the Birka pattern was uploaded on 27th Feb 2014. If you downloaded patterns from this site before then you may have a copy of the previous version which had a major copy/paste error in the S/Z threading. My profound apologies to anyone who might have been wrestling with the erroneous pattern.

Images link to individual pdf versions of the patterns.

A file containing all the patterns can be found here: Tablet weaving patterns.pdf

N.B. A backwards turn is identical to a forwards turn of a tablet that has been flipped or twisted. More complex turning sequences are given both as a grid showing which cards need to turn in which direction and as a simplified sequence that uses twisted cards to replace the backwards turns.

Twisting a tablet works by turning it around the axis that runs across from the AD edge to the BC edge of the tablet, the warp threads swap from S to Z threading (or vice versa) and the A/D and B/C positions are swapped.





Greek key
Greek key

Square snake
Square snake

Nested diamonds
Nested diamonds


S and Z
S and Z




Dragons breath
Dragons breath

Braided shadow weave
Braided shadow weave

Birka strapwork
Birka strapwork

Anglo saxon diagonal greek key
Anglo saxon diagonal greek key

10 thoughts on “Pattern Library

    1. When one of your patterns says 2 F or 2x fo I turn the cards 2x before passing the weft or do I turn once, pass the weft turn again pass the weft & on to the next one. Thank you.

  1. Thank you for the patterns. I’m 78, learned tabletweaving 3 years ago and itching to try the dragons breath!

  2. Argh! I dont know what I’m doing wrong! I prefer the turning to the twisting, but the pattern had this weird break in it! I’ve tried dragons breathe, kivrim, and eternity. Any ideas on what I’m missing?

  3. I am new to tablet weaving and i started the kivrim but i did 4 on d i don’t understand the box on the bottom is has 4x all 12 cards are forward on the bottom 4x 2f 3b so do i do 4 rows on 5 i would do the backwards cards 3 5 2f and so on not good at asking? On computers hopefully my ? Makes sense any help would be appreciated

  4. Thanks so much for this! I’m just starting with tablet weaving and your square snake pattern was perfect for my first go since it’s just two colors and a straightforward 4F 4B — it’s coming along nicely!

    I’m reading the other patterns here to get a better idea of the mechanics, now that I’m getting the basics in my hands. This is so helpful, even if I’m not quite ready for a 24 card, change-pattern-every-second-time situation 💖

    1. Hello are the pattern it card oriented or thread oriented ?? That’s important to Know how to put the thread in the tablets.

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